Monday, September 22, 2014

Math and Science Lab

In math we have been using ten frames to help build our number sense.  Students have shown numbers 0-20 using the ten frames and then relate them with addition and subtraction.  For example, thirteen is ten and three more or nineteen is one less than twenty.

In science we have been answering the question: What is a scientist?  We have also been learning about the scientific process and how to use safety rules in our school's science lab.  Last Friday we conducted an experiment to answer the question: What will make an egg in water float?  The students made their own hypothesis as to whether cornstarch, food coloring, salt, or vinegar would make the egg float.  In conclusion, we discovered that salt made the eggs float.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Goodies with Grands

We celebrated our grandparents this week at Oakland in honor of grandparents day.  The children had a wonderful time sharing cinnamon buns with their grandparents.

We also had a surprise Mystery Reader this past Friday who read "The Lorax" and brought us truffla tree cupcakes.  Thanks to Nicholas' mom for reading to us and sharing a special treat!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Mystery Reader and College Colors

We LOVE Mystery Readers in first grade!!  Edwyn's dad was our first Mystery Reader of the school year.  He came and read the story "Diary of a Worm" to us.  The kids thought it was really funny!!  Then he shared gummy worm treats with us :). If you would like to be a Mystery Reader in our class this year, please email me to set up a time: 

We also celebrated the beginning of college football season by wearing our favorite team shirt.  We talked about how important doing our best in school even in first grade is because it will help prepare us for all the next steps that lead to college.
Clemson fans

Gamecock fans

Other fans

Monday, August 25, 2014

Watermelon Day

We had a fun day in first grade last Friday with a Watermelon Day.  We began by reading the book Peter Spit a Seed at Sue, which has a surprise ending.  We talked about how writers can write surprise endings for their stories too!

Then we shared watermelon as a class together outside for snack time.

Then the students completed a Watermelon Glyph to practice their listening skills and their ability to follow multiple step directions.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Meet the Teacher and School Supplies

Parents and students are invited to attend "Meet the Teacher" this Wednesday, August 13th between 1-6pm.  Please bring your school supplies with you so I can begin to get them organized before the first day of school.  Below you will find the first grade supply list.  I look forward to meeting you!!

- #2 pencils (normal yellow ones because we will share as a class)
- 1 large pink eraser
- 2 boxes of 24-count crayons
- student scissors
- 2 packs wide-ruled notebook paper
- 6 to 8 white glue sticks
- 1 pack dry erase markers (black fine point)
- 3 marble composition notebooks (wide ruled)
- pencil pouch (no boxes please)
- 2 plastic pocket folders (please do not get the ones that contain the prongs as they will not work with their binders)
- 1 one-inch 3-ring binder with clear front pocket (no trapper keepers, please)

** Optional but greatly appreciated: Clorox wipes, Ziploc bags (sandwich, qt, or gallon size), hand sanitizer, Kleenex

Monday, July 28, 2014

Welcome to First Grade

Hi!  My name is Mrs. McDowell, and I am going to be your first grade teacher.  This will be my 7th year teaching first grade.  I love first grade and all the exploring, learning, and fun we get to have!

I graduated from Clemson University with a degree in Early Childhood Education, and I enjoy going back to visit during the football seasons with my husband who is also a Clemson grad.

I grew up in Gaffney, South Carolina in a community called Grassy Pond.  All of my family lives there now, and we still go to church at Grassy Pond Baptist in Gaffney.

This summer I was busy teaching first grade at our district's Summer Learning Academy.  I made time to enjoy my family at the beach and the lake though.  I have also been spending lots of hours preparing for our baby girl who is due to arrive on October 18th. 

I am excited to spend the next year learning and growing with you!  Have fun on these last few weeks of summer vacation : )

My Favorites
Food: Mac and Cheese and chicken
Movie: romantic, comedies... some include While You Were Sleeping, The Proposal, The Holiday
TV Show: anything on Hallmark (especially the Christmas movies) or TV Land
Book: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers; I am currently doing a Bible Study with a group of ladies at my church called Anointed, Transformed, and Redeemed that is really wonderful, and I am reading Baby Wise to help prepare me for our upcoming baby girl's arrival.
Color: I love to decorate my home with green!
Drink: Water
Season: Summer
Sports Team: Clemson Tigers
Fast Food: Chick-fil-A and I love Panera if it counts as fast food since they have a drive through : )
Animal: Dog
Hobby: Spending time with my family and friends, cooking, decorating and taking care of my home, being near water (beach, lake, pool), reading, shopping, planning events and entertaining

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Plant Unit

The past several weeks we have been learning about plants through our plant unit.  This is probably my favorite unit to teach all year because I have been around plants my whole life.  My grandparents started a greenhouse business over 60 years ago that now my mom and her sister own in Gaffney.  I spent many summers and days after school working there from Jr. High through college.  My dad owns a landscaping and irrigation business as well.  I have childhood memories of bagging vegetable seeds and weighing them for customers at his store.  Then I married a man whose degree is Turfgrass Management and he is a superintendent of greens at a golf course.  So, teaching our plant unit each year is lots of fun for me and I usually bring in my mom or husband to help with some of the activities.

The first week we learned about the characteristics of living and nonliving things.  We learned that living things grow and change, reproduce, and need air, water, and food to survive.  The second week we learned about the parts of a plant, each part's job, and the life cycle of plants.  This week we planted our garden that is right outside of our classroom.  We planted marigolds from my moms greenhouse for color and to help keep the bugs away.  Then we planted rows of lettuce, radishes, and beans.  My sweet husband came to help the kids with the planting.  We are hoping to see them begin to sprout soon.  Next week we will begin to learn about what plants give us and conclude our unit the following week with a fruit tasting party!!