Saturday, August 9, 2014

Meet the Teacher and School Supplies

Parents and students are invited to attend "Meet the Teacher" this Wednesday, August 13th between 1-6pm.  Please bring your school supplies with you so I can begin to get them organized before the first day of school.  Below you will find the first grade supply list.  I look forward to meeting you!!

- #2 pencils (normal yellow ones because we will share as a class)
- 1 large pink eraser
- 2 boxes of 24-count crayons
- student scissors
- 2 packs wide-ruled notebook paper
- 6 to 8 white glue sticks
- 1 pack dry erase markers (black fine point)
- 3 marble composition notebooks (wide ruled)
- pencil pouch (no boxes please)
- 2 plastic pocket folders (please do not get the ones that contain the prongs as they will not work with their binders)
- 1 one-inch 3-ring binder with clear front pocket (no trapper keepers, please)

** Optional but greatly appreciated: Clorox wipes, Ziploc bags (sandwich, qt, or gallon size), hand sanitizer, Kleenex

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