Sunday, January 12, 2014

Christmas in Rm 105

We had so much fun together in the weeks leading up to Christmas in first grade.  I am so appreciative to all the parents who helped send in materials and food throughout December for our fun projects and parties.  Here are a few snapshots of our fun:

                                           Decorating Gingerbread Houses

We read several versions of The Gingerbread Man the first week in December.  Our reading comprehension strategy was visualizing, making a movie in your mind while reading or listening to a text.  The students practiced visualizing all week and learned that good readers us visualizing to remember what happens in a story.  To end the week, they were asked to visualize the perfect home for the gingerbread man and create it using the materials given.  They did a great job!!

                        Mystery Readers 

We had 2 Mystery Readers in December.  Beth's mom came to read If You Give a Dog a Donut and brought us Krispy Kreme to enjoy :). Yummy!!  Jackson's dad came dressed in his camouflage to read Little Jake's Big Bowhunt. Jackson's mom and dad had prepared s'mores for us to eat as a "woods" treat.  We love and appreciate all of our Mystery Readers.  If you are interested in being a Mystery in our class please send an email or note.  We would love to have you!

                                                  Polar Express Day
Polar Express Day is always one of my favorite days of the school year.  We begin the day with a Polar Express word search, then we put on our Santa hats to take a class picture in our pj's!  We read the Polar Express book and then each child receives a bell to see if they can still hear the "sound."  It is magical!!!  Finally each student's ticket is punched and that get to settle in for a ride on "The Polar Express" where we drink hot chocolate, eat delicious snacks, and view the movie.  

                       Our Christmas Party

Thanks to Mrs. Pruett for planning a wonderful party and to all the parents who sent in items.  We had so much fun with our friends and parents!!

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